High Quality Performance
Themale to male DisplayPort cablessupportDP 1.2 features, includinga maximum HBR2 bandwidth of 21.6 Gbps.TheDPcablesalsosupportMulti-Stream (MST) for daisy-chaining multiple monitorswithoptional audio support.Andtheyare backwards compatible withDisplayPort1.1.
Reliable LatchingConnectors
TheblackDPcablesfeaturelatcheson each connectorthat provideasecure connection between your devices. Theyhavea professional grade 28AWG constructionallowingfor flexibleand clean qualityinstallations.
MultipackBusiness Solution
The DisplayPort cablebulkpackprovides aconvenient solutionfor businessesin need of multiple cables.Providinghighquality and reliableDPconnectionsfor allbusinessneeds.
Comprehensive Product Testing & Expert Technical Support
StarTech.com conducts thorough compatibility and performance testing on all our products to ensure we are meeting or exceeding industry standards and providing high-quality products to our customers. Our local StarTech.com Technical Advisors have a broad product expertise and work directly with StarTech.com Engineers to provide support for our customers bothpreand post-sales.
DISPLPORT15L10PKis backed by StarTech.comlifetimewarrantyand free lifetime technical support.
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